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Staff Directory

Please call the school buildings to reach a staff member by phone.  To email our staff,  emails are typically the first initial last name   If your email bounces back, please email to have your email forwarded to the correct staff member. 

District Office: (360) 221-6100

South Whidbey Elementary School: (360) 221-4600

South Whidbey High School/Middle School: (360) 221-4300



1 2 3 16 > showing 1 - 12 of 185 constituents

Grace Adam

Titles: Farmer
Locations: South Whidbey Elementary North Campus

Christine Amundson

Titles: Secretary
Locations: South Whidbey High School

Christine Anderson

Titles: Teacher
Locations: South Whidbey High School

Kristy Aquino Macarro

Titles: Director of Communications, Executive Assistant
Locations: District Office

Teresita Arce De Rivera

Titles: Paraeducator
Locations: South Whidbey High School

Emmy Atwood

Titles: Teacher, Nurse
Locations: South Whidbey Middle School, District Wide

James Baird

Titles: Teacher
Locations: South Whidbey High School

Catherine Ballestrasse

Titles: MS Jazz Band Advisor
Locations: South Whidbey Middle School

Leslie Ballestrasse

Titles: Paraeducator
Locations: South Whidbey High School

Ashlee Bassett

Titles: Paraeducator
Locations: South Whidbey Middle School

Kaitlin Benner-Kenagy

Titles: Librarian, Technology TOSA
Locations: South Whidbey High School, District Wide

Rachelle Bennett

Titles: Teacher
Locations: South Whidbey High School
1 2 3 16 > showing 1 - 12 of 185 constituents