Facility Rentals & Use
SOUTH WHIDBEY COMMUNITY CENTER - Contact directly for available rentals
SWSD Facility Use Agreement Application (See Facility Rental Fees Below)
Youth Sports Compliance Forms will need to be submitted in person to the District Office - 5476 Maxwelton Road, Langley WA 98260 or info@sw.wednet.edu. Click here for the form: Link to Youth Sports Compliance Form
Rules and Regulations
- It will be necessary for an outside activity to relinquish the use of the school facility if it is needed for a school activity.
- All Non-Profit Youth Sports Groups: The applicant agrees to fully comply in accordance with the adoption of policies for the management of concussion and head injury in youth sports; as amended in RCW 4.24.660 and chapter 28A.600 RCW, if applicable. Applicants are to verify that all coaches, athletes and their parent / guardian have complied with mandated policies for the management of concussions and head injuries as prescribed by HB 1824, section 2. Access to school facilities may not be granted until all requirements are complete and approved by the school district. Youth sports groups must provide a signed statement of compliance.
- Use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, firearms or other dangerous weapons are prohibited on school grounds as defined by law. Profane language and/or other objectionable conduct may result in barred use of facilities. Violation of these district policies may result in fines and/or legal proceedings.
- Games of chance, lotteries, and giving of door prizes are not allowed except where permitted by law and then only with proper clearance.
- Alterations to the field/facility are prohibited without prior approval. This may include such things as hanging signs, erecting backstops, placing goals, using masking tape on walls and floors, etc.
- District-owned equipment shall not be removed from the facility or loaned to any inPidual or organization unless prior approval by the district has been granted.
- Users shall be responsible for returning the facility to its original condition immediately following the event.
- Appropriate gym shoes are required for all activities on the uncovered floor of gymnasiums.
- Facility use is cancelled when facility/building is closed due to an emergency.
- The district reserves the right to refuse or revoke any authorization issued for the use of a school building or grounds, and if rental has been paid, to refund such rental less expense incurred by the district in connection therewith.
If you have any Facility Rental questions please contact: Kristina Macarro (360)221-6808 ext 2245 or info@sw.wednet.edu
Facility Use Rental Required Fees:
Payment in Full: Rental fees and estimated custodial fees must be paid at the time of the contract and reserving the date. An invoice with the additional custodial fees must be paid within thirty days of the event. Checks made out to South Whidbey School District are accepted. All payments should be made to SWSD, 5476 Maxwelton Road, Langley WA 98260. Please note on the check that the payment is for facility rental and the date of the rental.
Required Custodial services at the following rate with a three hour minimum, hours are calculated based upon setup (1 hr), duration of event, and clean up (minimum 1 hr):
- Monday - Friday at $35/hr
- Saturday at $53/hr
- Sunday at $70/hr
Any added staffing - Kitchen and Tech will be at the same rate if available.
Additional rental fees: NP = Non-profit; CR = Corporate Rental
SWSD Rooms |
South |
Grounds Fields without lights |
NP$55/hr CR$165/hr |
NP$55/hr CR$165/hr |
Parking Lots |
NP $0 CR $30/hr |
NP $0 CR $30/hr |
Classrooms |
NP$20/hr CR $50/h |
NA |
Community Room |
NP$25/hr CR$55/hr |
Library/MusicRoom |
NA |
NA |
Gym |
Only Park & Rec |
Only Park & Rec |
HS/MS Campus |
HS Falcon Nest (PKA Old Commons) (supervision required) |
NP$30 CR$40 |
Cougar Den (PKA New Commons) |
NP $55/hr CR $65/hr |
(min $220) |
Main HS Gym w/o Lockers (Sundays Only) |
NP $45/hr CR $55/h |
HS Mat/Wrestling Room |
NP$20/hr CR $50/h |
HS/MS Auditorium |
NP $55/hr CR $65 |
(min $350- seats 400) |
Lecture Rooms (107/108) each |
NP $50/hr CR $60/hr |
(min $200 Seat 95) |
Equipment Charges |
TBD | |
Aux Gym (Sundays Only) |
NP$25/hr CR$55/hr |
Library/Little Theater |
NP$20/hr CR $50/h |
Parking Lots |
NP $0 CP $30/hr |
Classrooms |
NP$20/hr CR $50/h |
Audio/Visual Equipment (SWSD does
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel, please let us know by email within 72 hours of your rental date to receive a refund. If you do not cancel within 72 hours, and do not show up for the booking, you will still be charged the full fee.
Parks and Rec go through the SWHS/MS Athletic Office for all rentals except for SWCC.
The South Whidbey School District #206 (SWSD) does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator - Principal John Patton
- Address: 5675 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260
- Telephone Number: 360-221-4300
- Email: jpatton@sw.wednet.edu
Section 504/ADA Coordinator - Superintendent Jo Moccia
- Address: 5476 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260
- Telephone Number: 360-221-6100
- Email: jmoccia@sw.wednet.edu
Title IX Coordinator - Principal John Patton
- Address: 5675 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260
- Telephone Number: 360-221-4300
- Email: jpatton@sw.wednet.edu
Gender-Inclusive Schools- Principal John Patton - SWSD Policy 3211 and SWSD Procedure 3211P
- Address: 5675 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260
- Telephone Number: 360-221-4300
- Email: jpatton@sw.wednet.edu
Title IX inquiries may also be directed toward the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR): https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
Information about the nondiscrimination and sex-based discrimination policies and grievance procedures, and how to report a concern or complaint: https://www.sw.wednet.edu/resources/title-ix
SWSD Title IX training is available to all employees and is linked on our website here.
Non-Discrimination: Students Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210P; Staff Policy 5010 and Procedure 5010P
Sexual Harassment: Students Policy 3205 and Procedure 3205P; Staff Policy 5011 and Procedure 5011P