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FY2025 E-Rate RFP Network Upgrade

SWSD has posted a FCC Form 470 (#250011700) with corresponding RFP for the FY2025 E-Rate cycle.


RFP_SWSD_NetworkUpgrade (PDF)

Previously Asked Questions

  1. Do you require any ruggedized or extended-temperature switches (e.g., for garden or plant areas)?
    Only the water plant could use one on a DIN rail. It's not required though as it's inside an automation panel. I have learned since the RFP was posted that the building housing the garden switch is being demolished.
  2. Do you need any outdoor Access Points (APs)?
    Not that this time.
  3. What type of ceiling is the AP mounted on—flat surface, 9/16, or 15/16 type?
    Majority 15/16" T-bar
  4. For 50G link uplink speed, can we use a link aggregation of 2 x 25G?
    I have very limited strands of Single Mode between buildings. Only a single pair is available for each link.
  5. What is the connection between the cores and WAN—multimode fiber or single-mode fiber?
    This is listed in the RFP in section 3.6 in the Uplink type column.
  6. What is the distance between TM MDF and all the other MDFs (e.g., ES MDF, PS MDF, and MS MDF)?
    TM-ES/PS/HS <1mile, TM-MS <4 miles
  7. For the outdoor classroom closet, will you require a switch? If so, please specify the number of ports and the uplink speed required.
    No, only AP as listed in section 3.6
  8. For WLAN, how many SSIDs are currently in use, and what type of authentication is being used?
    3: open, psk, 802.11x
  9. Could you confirm the count of landed APs and cameras included in the RFP?
    119 minimum AP. currently 9 60w cameras, all current 60w cameras use midspan injectors
  10. Will you need assistance with AP installation?
    Section 3.5.4: Not at this time