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School Bus Rules

The following rules are based on Washington Administrative Code (WAC 392-145) and SWSD Transportation Policies.

Students shall ride their regularly assigned bus at all times, unless permission has been granted by the parent or guardian to ride a different bus (Grades K-8). School authorities should verify with the drivers the availability of extra seating space. Non-regular riders may need to be placed on an alternate bus if the request will overload the requested bus.

Passenger Conduct

  1. This is a safe bus (help keep it that way).
  2. Obey the driver’s instructions when first requested.
  3. Remain seated.
  4. Seat belts must be worn at all times when belts are available.
  5. Respect others and their property.
  6. Keep your hands to yourself.
  7. Keep noise level down.
  8. You must remain in your assigned seat until the driver gives you permission to change.
  9. Students must cross the roadway or highway only in front of the school bus and never behind it.
  10. Any item carried that has wheels or rolls must be contained in a bag or backpack while on the bus.

Certain activities may result in immediate withdrawal from the bus. These include:

  1. Aggressive action towards bus driver/violence
  2. Fighting on the bus
  3. Throwing objects in or out of the bus
  4. Possession of dangerous articles/weapons/laser pointers
  5. Destroying or defacing district or private property
  6. Use of sparking devices or open flame
  7. Smoking or the possession of drugs, alcohol, or any form of tobacco
  8. Obscene gestures or profanity directed at the bus driver
  9. Any part of the body extended outside of the bus
  10. Harassment or intimidation

Items not allowed on the bus:

  1. Glass objects: bottles, jars, etc.
  2. Aerosol containers
  3. Food, drink, gum
  4. Live critters: bugs, animals, worms, etc.
  5. Oversized objects and instruments that cannot fit safely in the seat with the student
  6. Weapons: guns, knives (real or toy), razor blades, laser pointers, etc.
  7. Sports equipment that could endanger others
  8. Portable radios
  9. Any item that is dangerous, illegal or against school property

School districts will be reimbursed for damage to school buses resulting from student misconduct. Please refer to Transportation website at, Services, Transportation, Bus Rules, or call Transportation at 360-221-5209 for more information.

Safety Rules and Regulations for Students Riding School Buses

The driver is in full charge of the bus and students. The students must obey the driver promptly and willingly. WAC 392-145-016 (1)
Students shall ride their regularly assigned bus at all times, unless permission has been granted by the parent or guardian to ride a different bus (Grades K-8).
School authorities should verify with the drivers the availability of extra seating space. Non-regular riders may need to be placed on an alternate bus if the request will overload the requested bus.
SWSD Policy 6605
WAC 392-145-060(1)
Unless by permission of parent or guardian, no student shall be permitted to leave the bus except at his or her regular stop. Notes issued by the parent/guardian or school authority are required for any student riding on a different route or getting off at a stop other than their regular stop. This note must include the student's full name, full address, and address of the stop. SWSD Policy 6605
WAC 392-145-060(1)
Each student may be assigned a seat in which he/she will be seated at all times, unless permission to change is given by the bus driver. WAC 392-145-016 (4)
WAC 392-145-021 (1)
Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct must be observed. WAC 392-145-016 (5)
Students are to assist in keeping the bus clean by keeping their waste paper and other trash off the floor. Students shall not throw any refuse out the windows. WAC 392-145-016 (7)
Eating and drinking on a school bus is not allowed. At no time shall sunflower seeds or other seeds and nuts with shells be allowed on the bus. No gum chewing or candy with sticks is NOT allowed aboard the buses. Transportation Dept Procedure
No student shall smoke, light matches or lighters, or use any type of flame or sparking devise while on the school bus. WAC 392-145-021 (3)
Students shall not use vulgar or obscene language or gestures. WAC 392-145-016 (5)
No student shall at any time extend head, hands, or arms or any part of his/her body out of the windows whether the school bus is in motion or standing still. WAC 392-145-016 (5)
Students shall not have anything in their possession that may cause injury to another, such as sticks, skateboards, breakable containers, any type of firearm, weapon or laser pointers. Also, no straps, chains or pins extending from their clothing. WAC 392-145-016 (6)
No animal, reptile, fish, fowl or insect of any type is permitted on the bus, except service dogs. WAC 392-145-021 (3)
No student shall harass or intimidate another passenger or the driver. WAC 392-145-016 (5)
Each student shall see that all books and personal belongings are kept out of the aisle. Special permission must be granted by school authorities to transport large items. WAC 392-145-021 (3)
No student shall talk to the driver more than is necessary. WAC 392-145-016 (5)
No student shall sit in the driver's seat, nor shall any student be to the immediate left or right of the bus driver. WAC 392-145-016 (4) (5)
WAC 392-145-021 (1)
Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion and are not to get on or off until the bus has come to a full and complete stop. WAC 392-145-021 (1)
Students must leave the bus in an orderly manner. They shall not cross the highway without verifying that it is safe to proceed and until given consent by the driver. When boarding or leaving the bus, students must be in view of the driver at all times. WAC 392-145-016 (3)
Students must cross the roadway or highway only in front of the school bus and never behind it. WAC 392-145-016 (3)
Students must arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes early, and shall not stand or play on the roadway while waiting for the bus to arrive. Transportation Dept. Procedure
Self-discipline should be exercised by students at the bus loading area. Students shall refrain from pushing and shoving other passengers, or engaging in other safe activity. Transportation Dept. Procedure
Students who have to walk some distance along the roadway to the bus loading zone must walk, where practicable, on the left-hand side facing the oncoming traffic. RCW 46.61.250 (2)
WAC 516-12-430
SWSD Policy 6600
Students are not to run errands (i.e., checking the mail box, etc.) between the bus stop and home. Transportation Dept Procedure
In the event of an actual emergency, students must follow emergency exit procedures as established by the emergency exit drills. WAC 392-145-016 (8)
School districts will be reimbursed for damage to school buses resulting from student misconduct. Transportation Dept. Procedure
Misconduct on a bus will be sufficient reason to discontinue providing bus transportation to students involved. SWSD Policy 3241
Teachers shall not send home, on the bus, with children: plants, animals or insects, holiday decorations, balloons, clay, scissors, glass or other sharp objects. WAC 392-145-021 (3)
Any item carried which has wheels or rolls (skateboards, roller blades, skates, toys, etc.) must be contained in a bag or backpack while on the bus. WAC 392-145-021 (3)