Students and Parents can check their fee balances on Skyward Family Access (linked here)
Go to Family Access - Choose your student at the top - Go to Fee Management - then view fees charged, payments made, and totals. Under payments made, click on the printer to view the SWSD receipt. Click Food Service to find your student's food service balance.
Food Service Fees can be paid via Skyward Family access or via cash or check in the cafeteria. All other ASB, Class Fees and Fines can be paid in the ASB office.
If your student qualifies for Free or Reduced Lunch (annual application linked here), they also qualify for fee waivers that covers ASB, Sports and Class Fees. They can also help cover partial or full costs for some tests, running start and college application fees. Parents must submit a Consent To Share (form linked here) to apply these benefits. Please turn completed forms into the ASB office or the district office to have a waiver applied to your students account. These forms must be completed annually.
Examples of Fees Owed:
Athletic Fees (Click here for Falcon Fees or Cougar Fees )
Academic Course Fees (High School Fees are in the Course Description Guide Linked Here)
ASB Fees (Click here for Falcon Fees or Cougar Fees )
Band and Choir Fees (Click Here)
Middle School Fees:
- New* PE Uniform $16 per set ( *Students do not need to buy new PE uniforms each year, but they are required for all 6-8 PE classes. Used sets may be available for a discount. 2 sets are recommended.
- MS Garden $5 (1 Quarter)
- MS Ceramics $10 (1 Quarter)
- 8th Grade Science $10 (Year Long)