Housing Instability Support
- Housing Questionnaire
- OSPI MV information: https://www.k12.wa.us/student-
success/access-opportunity- education/homeless-education
Homeless Educational Organizations: State & National:
- SchoolHouse Connections shares Information, resources, ideas, and information to help youth experiencing homelessness stay in school https://schoolhouseconnection.
org/ - National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth https://naehcy.org/
- National Center for Homeless Education https://nche.ed.gov/
Policy 3115 Homeless Students - Enrollment Rights and Services - Admission and Attendance
Policy 3115 Procedure - Homeless Students - Enrollment Rights and Services
Families In Transition Program
Are you struggling to find permanent housing due to financial difficulties? The Families In Transition Program can help your child maintain their school stability and can help connect your family to resources. If any of the following circumstances are true, your children may qualify for McKinney-Vento supports through the South Whidbey School District:
Are you currently:
- Couch surfing (moving from place to place to sleep),
- Doubled up with friends or relatives due to financial hardship,
- A teen living on your own,
- At risk of losing your home,
- Living without plumbing or electricity,
- Living in a hotel or motel, vehicle or campground,
- Living in a shelter, or
- Living on the street?
If you are coming out of one of the above situations and have moved to your own place after the school year has started, you are eligible through the end of the school year that you moved into stable housing.
Services for youth and families:
- Food
- Clothing
- Housing/Shelter Referrals
- School Supplies
- School fees waived
- Tutoring/Academic Support
- School Transportation
- College application/ FAFSA help
- Credit Retrieval
- Preschool entry
- Medical insurance support
- Holiday gifts
If you can answer “yes” to any of these living situations, please contact Mary Michell, (360) 221-6808 ext. 4320; mmichell@sw.wednet.edu
McKinney - Vento students have the right to:
- Go to school, no matter where you live or how long you have lived there.
- Enroll in school without giving a permanent address.
- Enroll in school immediately even if you don't have all the necessary documents.
- Continue in the school you attended before you became homeless, or the school you last attended, if that is your choice and if it is a reasonable option.
- Receive free meals at school.
- Receive transportation to the school you attended before you became homeless, or the school you last attended, if it is a reasonable option.
- Receive the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children served in these programs