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Offline Enrollment

If there are any difficulties with completing the online registration, new students to South Whidbey School District may be registered at the school they will be attending with the following forms. Registration packets are available at the school offices and some materials are available at the links below:

For every new student, please complete all of the following forms. They should be fillable online. Once completed, please print the forms, sign them and return them to the school where your child will be attending.

Complete Registration Packet for Kindergarten

Complete Registration Packet for Grades 1-5

Complete Registration Packet for Grades 6-8

Complete Registration Packet for Grades 9-12

Student Technology Policy, Procedures and Parent Consent Form

Student Information/Photo Release

Students who reside outside of the South Whidbey School District must complete a choice transfer request. Please follow this link to the OSPI Choice Transfer Portal to complete the request.


  1. Student Registration Form
  2. Washington State Ethnicity & Race Data Collection Form
  3. Student Housing Survey
  4. Home Language Survey             Home Language Survey (Spanish Survey)
  5. Health Questionnaire
  6. Medication Authorization
  7. Authorization for Transfer of Records
  8. New Student Questionnaire (K-8 Only)
  9. Student Technology Policy, Procedures and Parent Consent Form
  10. Choice Transfer Request (if non-resident student)

Additional Individual Forms For New Kindergarten students:

  1. Kindergarten Questionnaire
  2. Early Learning and Preschool History Questionnaire
  3. Kindergarten Busing Information

For Grades 6-12:

  1. WIAA Eligibility Questionnaire

Additional Family Forms Linked Here (Non-Registration Forms)

Annual Military Affiliation Form for students already enrolled. 

If you have any further questions, please contact our building registrars:
Grades TK-5: Jennie Franks ( or 360-221-6808 ext 4502)
Grades 6-12: Gay Bitts ( or 360-221-6808 ext 5411)