Student 504 Plans
Grades K-5:
Susie Richards
Grades 6-8:
Janet Hunter
Grades 9-12:
Leigha Patton (A-K)
Trace Prael (L-Z)
Grades 10-12 South Whidbey Academy:
Charlie Davies
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a Federal civil rights law that is designed to eliminate disability discrimination in education; it prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. Requires school districts to provide a FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education). It requires school districts to provide aids and services designed to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities as adequately as the needs of students without disabilities are met. The goal of Section 504 is to level the playing field so students may show their true intelligence without the hinderance of their disability.
For more information, please contact the school counselor in your student's building to inquire about your student and the 504 Program.
The following link will provide you with our 504 Family Information:
Your Parent Rights Under Section 504
OSPI - Section 504 and Students with Disabilities Website:
Frequently Asked Questions about 504 Plans:
Section 504 Process Flow Chart:
- Refer the Student
- Complete Student Support Team Referral form (Parent or Counselor).
- Decide Whether to Evaluate the Student (504 Team)
- Does the 504 Team know or suspect that, because of a disability, the student needs special education or related aids or services to participate in or benefit from school?
- Provide parent or guardian Notice of Action/Consent and Notice of Rights form.
- Obtain consent for initial evaluation.
- Evaluate the Student (504 Team)
- Evaluate the specific areas of the student's educational needs.
- Determine the Student's Eligibility (504 Team)
- Review evaluation results and determine eligibility.
- Complete the Eligibility Determination form.
- Provide parent or guardian Notice of Action/Consent and Notice of Rights form.
- Develop a Section 504 plan for the Student (504 Team)
- Develop a Section 504 Plan
- Assign a case manager to monitor implementation and student progress.
- Provide parent or guardian Notice of Action/Consent and Notice of Rights form and copy of Section 504 Plan
- Obtain consent for initial placement.
- Annually Review the Student's Section 504 Plan (504 Team)
- Review and revise the student's Section 504 Plan.
- Provide parent or guardian Notice of Action/Consent and Notice of Rights form.
- Periodically Re-Evaluate the Student (504 Team)
- At least every three years.
- Before any significant change in placement.
- Provide parent or guardian Notice of Action/Consent and Notice